Porky Global

Porky Global Headquarters
Trading and Export Headquarters

Our central trading office is located in Irvine, California with multiple sales offices across the country. We have the resources, the professional staff, and the knowledge of world markets to procure the best quality meat products at the best market prices, and deliver them swiftly, safely and reliably. Getting meat products around the world on time and in prime condition is a daunting challenge. At Porky Global, it is a challenge we meet every day. Whether by truck, ship, rail or air, we have the experienced staff to get the job done. Our traders are well versed in domestic and international shipping, import/export regulations, sanitation, and safety rules. We remain constantly vigilant for changes in those procedures.

Have a question?
Contact us today at [email protected]

Trading offices are located in:

Irvine, CA, HQ
• Boca Raton, FL
• Vancouver, Canada
• Lowell, AR
• Greeley, CO
• Cincinnati, OH
• Scottsdale, AZ
• Honolulu, HI
• Salt Lake City, UT

Purchasing Power

Our corporate headquarters, together with the team of traders from around the country, are in direct contact with all the major packers and manufacturers worldwide. A daily conference call is held with all Porky offices to discuss the changes in commodity markets. Our high volume purchasing power can help you take advantage of sudden buying opportunities, anticipating market trends, and enable us to provide a competitive price advantage.

Our Customers Span the Globe

Our list of customers includes companies which have remained with us for decades and it’s constantly growing. For processors, retailers, restaurant chains and distributors, our name has come to signify quality, reliable performance, professional service and value. Customers of our trading and export business come from around the globe.